Performance Management Now?

Performance Management During Today’s Reality

Don’t we have enough going on without having to plan an uncomfortable sit down with a staff member about poor performance? Yes, we most certainly do. However that is no excuse for not letting someone know that their performance is suffering and needs correction. The time for performance management is now.

Waiting Creates Risk

When we wait to give critical feedback we open the person, the team and the organization up to unnecessary risk. Without the feedback, the person will build the wrong habits and make them that much more difficult to break. Without correction, the team will see that bad habits, inaccuracies or poor quality is accepted for some people or in some cases which can damage morale and erode pride in workmanship. Without documentation of concerns, organizational liabilities can increase in the form of higher operational, legal and employment costs.

Make the Job Easier

As uncomfortable and inconvenient as it is, the job of performance management is the job to be done so here’s a way to make a smooch easier:

  • You: Hey Julie I noticed you looked like you were working on something else during the zoom call. Everything ok?
  • Julie: Oh, uh, yeah – that project you asked me to do.
  • You: I’m glad you’re on top of that – it’s important. It’s just as important to look engaged in our team meetings though so in future if you can avoid multi-tasking, it will help you build more credibility with the team and our speakers.

Immediate, genuine, supportive, confident guidance. This is the job.

Performance Management Guidance

Hard to say what you need to say? Download a toolbox of actual words to use in all kinds of performance management situations. No one should have to struggle alone with these conversations and employees deserve to hear where they stand.

DOWNLOAD the Performance Management Toolbox here

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