What is Inspirational About a Speaker?

They’re just talking.  Sure they might be passionate, funny, enthusiastic, insightful – even wise.  But at the end of the day, it’s just words.  What’s the big deal?

Why do we feel so pumped, so ready for action, so fired up and motivated simply as a result of someone else’s words? If we read those same words on a page instead of hearing them live from the source, would they have the same impact?  Maybe. But often not.

Possibility. Feasibility. Proof. Path. Passion. Belief. Faith. MOJO. Connection.

An inspirational speaker is one who delivers to the audience a sense of possibility and, even better, feasibility.  An inspirational speaker is someone who provides proof that persistence, focus, trust and resourcefulness work.  It’s someone who provides a path through the thicket, hacking away at the overgrowth to let the sun shine back in.  An inspirational speaker is someone who exudes passion for her work and conveys a deep and lasting and overwhelming faith in the path she’s cutting.  An inspirational speaker transfers serious MOJO by establishing a genuinely authentic connection to the people with whom she is sharing her words.

Each of us has immediate and constant access to our own inspirational speaker.  It is us. Ourselves.  All we have to do is look for possibility, be open to the feasibility of change and success and find the proof in others who have gone before us. All we have to do is take one tiny action, a tiny step on the path and start letting the sun shine in.  All we have to do is let passion fuel us, and let belief and faith in ourselves propel us.  And most importantly, we need to connect with those who will challenge us to take those next steps, push to the next level and become what we are meant to become.

All we have to do.

Ready to connect?  We’re putting together a new platform at Uncommon for taking your professional self to the next level.  Email us with “Tell me more” in the subject line to be one of the first to know.