You know that manager who is just the sweetest? Just got promoted. Has been so good at their individual contributor job. Now asks all sorts of questions about managing and really seems to appreciate HR’s advice? That manager needs training.
You know that manager who is just awful? the one who is always saving the company’s skin with extra revenue or extra savings but whose employees are constantly complaining to HR about how they are treated? The one who is totally uninterested in even looking at the HR team members never mind speaking to them or hearing what they might have to say? That manager needs training.
You know that manager who is so quiet we almost forget they’re there? The one who always returns their paperwork on time and who’s employees don’t say a peep? That manager needs training.
Those managers are liabilities. Too new to know, too seasoned to second-guess, too dedicated to complain yet all of them are making an impact on their employees and colleagues with their words and actions. All of them are agents of the company. All of them are a liability if they say or do something that is illegal or against company policy. But to focus on that would be a shame. To focus defensively, preemptively, warily, distrustfully would be reminiscent of “bad” HR and we’re better than that.
Those managers are wellsprings of innovation: new enough to see the possibilities, Seasoned enough to cross train others, dedicated enough to contribute to policy and process improvements. All of them are agents of the company. All of them can be assigned goals related to innovation and collaboration. And to focus on this would be a boon. To focus purposefully, proactively, optimistically and trustfully would be uncommonly good HR and we’re all about that.
Be uncommon.
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