Did you know you hold your staff’s livelihood in the palm of your hand?
Consider your own manager for a moment; the person to whom you report. Given the economic impact of this pandemic, the recent closures of all but non-essential business, the rippling effects of so many millions of people still out of work – what do you think your manager is being asked to consider in terms of planning their department?
So Many Management Options
Your manager may be asked to consider all kinds of things to help keep the business running optimally, such as:
- How quickly they can ramp back up once the shut down is lifted?
- If they need to downsize, who would they need to retain?
- If help is needed in other departments, who could they lend?
- If working from home is required longer term, who on their staff can and can’t thrive?
- If processes or products need to be modified who is best at change and innovation?
- Who on the staff would excel at communication, organization, analysis, …
How Well-Managed Are You?
Of course, as you consider the range of questions business leaders are asking themselves, you likely can’t help but jump right to “how does this affect me?”.
And if your manager hasn’t spoken to you in a while or if you hear that your teammates have had one on one conversations and you haven’t or the last few conversations you HAVE had were about things you need to improve on – how comfortable do you feel as an employee? How productive, focused, passionate or enthused are you about the work ahead?
How Well Are You Managing?
Now consider your own direct reports. What might each of them be thinking? Are you certain that they know where they stand? Are they clear as to whether they are a valued star, a hopeful work in progress or an “on thin ice” distraction? Are YOU clear?
What can you do right now to ensure your employees understand the bigger picture, see how their performance contributes to or distracts from it and remain passionate about their next steps with your organization?
Management Guidance
Here is a mini coaching session on management. It’s free. No one should have to struggle to figure out management and human resources leadership but good mentorship is hard to find.

Watch here: https://bit.ly/2OmdXb1
These are the kinds of awesome tools and approaches our members learn in UPschool and my goal is for you to be able to build the most confident, inspired and contributing version of yourself. Won’t you join us? Membership is half price through 2020. For year round management expertise, live coaching and resources join UPschool today.