#1. Have a compelling mission.
It should explain your existence. One of the best mission statements I have ever come across is from Boston Children’s Hospital: “Until every child is well”
#2. Have an objectively measurable vision for how you will pursue your mission.
Here are a couple of examples:
A state of the art hospital newly built in a world class city which draws the best doctors from around the globe by offering the highest compensation packages and parents of all backgrounds come from every corner of the earth based on our uncontested global reputation for their children to be cured.
A network of thousands of highly qualified, resourceful and socially conscious physicians deployed to every country and made accessible to the poorest communities where parents and their children have access to the care they need.
#3. Ensure your leadership team has a common definition of success.
Each team member should be able to answer: “what specifically are we achieving by when and how?” Each of their answers should be the same.
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